Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Way It Iz: This day October 20, 2009

Thanks for stopping by today. I hope you are enjoying my blogs. You can always comment on my FB page.

Remember the video that I gave you a link to with the kids dressed in military fatigues chanting Barack Obama's Health Care Policy? I am a little behind on this information but the teacher that taught these kids to do this exercise has been suspended. As she should. You can't express your political views to your students. Freedom of speech is not a factor in this situation; as it is the same for a preacher in front of his congregation. So rightfully so, this teacher should be suspended. These kids weren't learning history since they were chanting about a health care plan that doesn't even exist much less has even been passed.
I did see one video today of Obama that I actually enjoyed. Check it out. A girl gets a excuse slip from Obama. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yY9793NCGxI
Another. This is old news but I never saw video footage of it. Obama calling Kanye West "a jackass"; then remembering that he's the President and asking to "cut the President some slack". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IO_QIMNRreg#
Did you know that Obama has appeared on the cover of TIME eight times in less than a year? Also Michelle Obama has appeared on TIME three times in less than a year? Why is he always got to be in the public eye on such shows as Ellen, David Letterman, The Tonight Show, etc. Why hasn't he started appearing in our commercials for dog food? I wouldn't be shocked. Everywhere you turn; there's damn Obama. The media wants you to love this man, when 40% strongly disagree with that Obama is preforming his role as President, according to the Rasmussen Reports.
Please take a minute and read what Obama's church that he attended for over 20+ years believes in and teaches:

Black liberation theology" scholars such as James Cone, who regard Jesus Christ as a "black messiah" and blacks as "the chosen people" will only accept a god who assists their aim of destroying the "white enemy."

"If God is not for us and against white people," writes Cone, "then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill gods who do not belong to the black community."

Barack Obama's Churches Published Stand
1. Commitment to God
2. Commitment to the Black Community
3. Commitment to the Black Family
4. Dedication to the Pursuit of Education
5. Dedication to the Pursuit of Excellence
6. Adherence to the Black Work Ethic
7. Commitment to Self-Discipline and Self-Respect
8. Disavowal of the Pursuit of "Middleclassness"
9. Pledge to make the fruits of all developing and acquired skills available to the Black Community
10. Pledge to Allocate Regularly, a Portion of Personal Resources for Strengthening and Supporting Black Institutions
11. Pledge allegiance to all Black leadership who espouse and embrace the Black Value System
12. Personal commitment to embracement of the Black Value System.
The Pastor as well as the membership of Trinity United Church of Christ is committed to a 10-point Vision:
1. A congregation committed to ADORATION.
2. A congregation preaching SALVATION.
3. A congregation actively seeking RECONCILIATION.
4. A congregation with a non-negotiable COMMITMENT TO AFRICA.
5. A congregation committed to BIBLICAL EDUCATION.
6. A congregation committed to CULTURAL EDUCATION.
8. A congregation committed to LIBERATION.
9. A congregation committed to RESTORATION.
10. A congregation working towards ECONOMIC PARITY.

Wow! If you want to see some of Obama's racist comments, please check out my FB page and look at the recent videos that I posted of Obama.
That's the way it iz. This day, October 20, 2009.

Monday, October 19, 2009

The Way It Iz: This day October 19, 2009

Well, I'm not really sure what to say. I was on vacation, but when I decided to come back and start posting, my FB account got hacked. Personally think it was just some kind of fluke or just some idiot out there (probably a Democrat), but my wife seems to think that it was the government trying to look into what I am saying and keep am eye on me LMAO! Could beeeeeeeeeeee?

Anyway, if it was the government, they need to piss off and keep reading because there is more you need to hear about Obama.

I can believe that Obama was awarded two Nobel Peace Prizes in the two weeks that I didn't blog.
This is insane, folks. The announcement from the Nobel Peace Prize Committee says as much about the Norwegian voters and their parliament as it does President Obama. All involved should be embarrassed and ashamed for using this Prize to advance a radical, leftist agenda.

It's clear that the Marxist leaders in Europe know what most Americans don't know--that the American president is a kindred spirit who they recognize as one of their own.

Freedom-loving people should no longer respect or take seriously the Nobel Peace Prize Committee, as they have become an arm of the worldwide Marxist cause, evidenced by their previous selections of Yassar Arafat and Le Duc Tho and now Barack Obama.

The award has been cheapened beyond repair and the Nobel Committee has insulted all who labor and sacrifice for true peace and freedom under God's laws.

These are the same people that gave Arafat one and Al Gore one for making peace with Mother Earth. Come on. This means nothing. Obama basically got it for doing nothing. BTW did you know that he was nominated 12 days after being President???? What did he do in this short time to deserve it? Maybe for trashing America and nothing more......

For peace? He has brought so much peace to the world. Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, North Korea......hell, I don't know where I want to vacation first. And don't forget about here at home, I've never seen the country so united. Pfft! This is a mockery to the Noble Peace Prize, and if I was Peace, I would kick someone's ass!
H1N1 news- In the State of Mass. (too lazy to look up spelling), it is law now that the government has the right to search your home without cause and can quarantine you until you accept the vaccination. This is something that is going to be infected into your own body. Janice Dublar, employment attorney, says "you have a choice, whether it be take the vaccine or be quarintined at a certain local by the state or if you are an at-will employee you have the right to be terminated." Nice to know you have the "right to be terminated". At least we haven't lost all of our rights.

Listen, government! You will not injected nothing in this body! My wife hates that I am rebellious to this whole government and their way of thinking. Has she been brain-washed by the media also???? I will be a rebellious factor if the world gets to a point where the government is telling me my next move and what to do with my body or family. You are damn right! I would hope that each and every one of you out there will stand up for yourself when that time comes. Don't become sheepeople, people!
Please do not go to Cars.gov. This is the site used for cash for clunkers. Most times when we see the little box that says do you agree or disagree with the privacy act for a website, we all instantly click the "agree" box. Maybe we should all start reading these statements. Here's what the cars.gov privacy act statement says: "This application provides access to the DoT Cars system. When logged on to the CARS system, your computer is considered a Federal computer system and is property of the U.S. Government. Any or all uses of this system and all files on this system may be intercepted, monitored, recorded, copied, audited, inspected and disclosed...to authorize CARS, DoT and law enforcement personnel, as well as authorized officials of other agencies, both foreign and domestic."

Good Lord! Nothing you can do when you click that. They can continue to track you forever. What the hell is going on, folks! This is suppose to be a charitable act turned evil. WTF! Think about it....this program died shortly after it existed. There is a hidden agenda here. This program was used for nothing else. Thanks again, Obama. I see you're bringing more "peace" to our world by trying to control our lives.
One of the biggest issues I argue with a loved one about is "Global Warming" other than religion, I could argue about this all day.
Global warming is a hoax. This is a manufactured crisis. This comes out of the mouth of the John Coleman, founder of The Weather Channel. He said, "It is the greatest scam in history. I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it. Global warming; it is a scam."Death from extreme weather are down 95% since the 1920s. I believed this same thing before I heard his opinion. This is a created hoax in order to gain grants and awards and the environmental extremists had massaged the numbers in order to gain fame.
Form your own opinion; mine is not a popular belief but in twenty years, I will be laughing except at the loss of billions of dollars wasted on this crap.
I'm going to be short on this subject. The Balloon Boy. I honestly believe that this was not a hoax. I believe the kid released the balloon and went and hid when he realized what he had done. I believe the parents thought that he may be in the balloon when they could not find him. I believe that when the boy made reference that it was "for the show" that he is simply a six year old just randomly talking. These people were in the middle of making a reality show by the way. You won't hear much talk about that will you. The media wants to publicly trash these people and the courts wants to make an example while our government is out there supplying enough stories that they could easily leave this family alone and let them get on with their lives.

That's all I have this day October 19, 2009

Friday, October 2, 2009

The Way It Iz: This day October 2, 2009

Hey, everyone! Thanks for checking in with me today. Not much today, but something major to me a little later in the blog. Let's get to it:

Vaccine for the H1N1 flu will begin arriving in the nation's hospitals, clinics and schools as early as Tuesday, the start of an effort to protect Americans against a swine flu virus that emerged this past spring and quickly circled the globe.

Get ready! Here it is. I don't wish anything on anyone, but this vaccine is just whipped up and ready to serve 250 million doses by the end of the year. Come on! Just last month, you guys didn't know how many shots a person needed or whether you wanted to put this in a nasal spray container. I'm not getting the shot. I call bs!


The Facebook posting that posed a quiz to readers, "Should Obama be killed?" The options were no, maybe, yes, and "yes, if he cuts my health care."

Secret Service agents -- who investigate all potential threats against presidents -- spoke a the child and the parents, and determined that there was no intent to harm Obama, agency spokesman Ed Donovan said.

"This is something we classified as a mistake on the juvenile's part," Donovan said.

Just a kid. A mere juvenile. Juvenile's are harmless. I bet the Secret Service are still watching this kid like a hawk.

Another Update:

Nike is not signing a new endorsement deal with former spokesman Michael Vick of the Philadelphia Eagles, spokesman KeJuan Wilkins said on Thursday.

Vick and his crew were just lying again. No big deal. They were never going to find out, Mike. This man will do anything to keep his name in the media. Hey, Mike, let me get $100 on that red-nose pit!

The PSP GO is out now. It features a fully new cabinet with slick slide-out screen, the ability to purchase full games from the PlayStation Network and a much bigger storage capacity than previous iterations of the device. They did get rid of the UMD port. WHY!?!?!?! Now you can't play movies on the PSP. I don't know. Looks like a bad move on Playstation's part.
What I originally posted was f'n awesome, but I need to save it for another day.
My friend was perfectly fine with it, but needs me to wait until some matters take place. :) I respect that. Boring blog today, folks. Sorry.

Today's blog was represented by the letter X and the number 7.

That's the way it iz. This day, October 2, 2009

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Way It Iz: This day October 1, 2009

Once-disgraced quarterback Michael Vick has reached an endorsement deal with Nike, two years after sponsors abandoned him following his conviction in a federal dogfighting ring.

Hmmm.... As a Philadelphia Eagle fan, I wasn't totally disappointed with the signing of Michael Vick; after all, I'm not a big Donovan McNabb fan either. I just think it's a damn shame that he didn't get signed by the Cleveland Browns since their mascot is a dog. That would have been funny as hell.

Outside 15 schools in eight states, government regulators have found elevated levels of a substance that — in a more potent form — was also used as a chemical weapon during World War I.
The chemical that once was weaponized, acrolein, can exacerbate asthma and irritate the eyes and throat. It is a byproduct of burning gasoline, wood and cigarettes, and its presence at so many sites was not explained. EPA At the 15 schools — in Alabama, California, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, New York, Ohio and South Carolina — regulators found average acrolein levels at least 100 times higher than what the government considers safe for long-term exposure.

Isn't this a hell of a note?!?! I'm can't scream loud enough to you people out there who trust the government with your life. You want their health care so bad. Did you read????? Since World War I, people! OMG! I smell a cover-up. They couldn't have just now found this information all these years. There were 63 schools nationwide; this was just the school with at least 100 times higher amount. I would like to see the entire list, because if Alabama, S.C. and Mississippi were mentioned then I bet Georgia school are on that list.

Freshman U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson refused to back down Wednesday from remarks made on the House floor the night before, in which he said the Republican health care plan calls for sick people to "die quickly."

In fact, Grayson, a Democrat who represents a central Florida swing district that includes Orlando, made another floor speech in which he apologized to the dead and their families for not acting sooner on health care reform. He then defended both speeches on CNN's "The Situation Room."

Wow! I can't believe U.S. Rep. Grayson did this in front of everyone. What balls! Not really....just another idiot Democrat who is clinching onto this government health care plan. The Dems want you to believe that you are going to get the best health care through the government, but I don't have to tell you that you will see long waits on medication, long waits on doctor's appointments (like days to get one).........This plan will be forced! Mark my words. This is no regular President here, folks. This is going to get ugly. This man, Obama, is trying to be a dictator. As far as Grayson, he simply just slandered the entire Republican party.

Look what I just found....

President Barack Obama today pledged that he will succeed in getting healthcare reform this year in spite of a sharp drop in public support for his plan and an aggressive Republican campaign against him.

He "pledged" that he "will succeed". Wake up, guys! We can sit here and debate about this subject till we are blue in the face. The sad thing is that it is a pointless battle. I like to think that I speak my mind. I love to be heard. I want people to know where I stand. Sadly, Obama will get "his" plan because no one will stand in his way. Where's your balls, Republicans and independents? What's next?!?! He moves his fun-loving Iranian buddies over here.....opps, they're here! Did you know that he's trying to pass a bill to make all illegal immigrants in the United States, legal? Did you know that he is the AntiChrist? Okay, maybe that's a little out there......is it?

According to the Book of Revalations, the anti-christ will be a man, in his 40s, of Muslim decent, who will deceive the nations with persuassive language, and have a MASSIVE Christ-like appeal.....the prophecy says that people will flock to him and he will promise false hope and waorld peace, and when he is in power, will destroy everything. Is this Obama?

I am not a bible thumper, but get a load of this.

In the Strong's Hebrew dictionary, the word #1299 for the defining of "heights" or "Heavens", the translation is "Baraq". Also in another translation in Strong's Hebrew Word it is "Bamah" meaning "lightening from heaven. Now let's look at a verse:

Luke 10:18 "And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning falling from the heavens."

If spoken by a Jewish Rabbi today, Jesus would have said, "I saw Satan as baraq bamah."

Just saying......I'm not a bible thumper, remember.

That's the way it iz. This day, October 1, 2009.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Way It Iz: This day September 30th, 2009

A couple was caught in the act in the new Dallas Cowboys Stadium bathroom having sex. There's actual video footage. These people are either brave or just stupid. The germs, man! OMG! Here's the link....you've been warned and I didn't make you click the link. http://deadspin.com/5370499/couple-christens-dallas-cowboys-stadiums-new-bathroom-stalls

A powerful earthquake in the South Pacific hurled a massive tsunami at the shores of Samoa and American Samoa, flattening villages and sweeping cars and people out to sea, leaving at least 99 dead and dozens missing. An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.6 struck Indonesia today, the U.S. Geological Survey said, causing power and phone outages in some regions.

This is extremely sad. I hope they continue the search for survivors. An earthquake triggered the tsunami at 8.3. I am a avid Survivor fan, so I know the current Survivor was filmed in Samoa, but they are filming the next Survivor there also. I was glad to hear that no one for the Survivor series was injured. Just thought I would let you guys know in case you were wondering also.
A man buys a taco in New York City. No big deal, right? Check this video out. This man was jogging, naked with a fanny pack on. LMAO! If you've never been out of your small town and you think these things don't go on, please! I lived in California for four years and I can't begin to tell you what I saw in San Francisco, Sacramento, and Oakland. Here's the link: http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/bestoftv/2009/09/30/ac.shot.tues.cnn

TLC announces a new show, which debuts November 2, will be "Kate Plus 8.
"The breakup of Jon and Kate Gosselin's marriage this year changed the composition of the reality show's November relaunch, the network announced Tuesday.

"Given the recent changes in the family dynamics, it only makes sense for us to refresh and recalibrate the program to keep pace with the family," TLC President Eileen O'Neill said.

After 10 years of marriage, the couple announced their separation and divorce filing on a special one-hour episode of their TLC reality series "Jon & Kate Plus 8" in June.

"I'm tired of smiling on the outside while I'm crying on the inside," Kate said in June. "I've been doing that for a long time."

This is possible the best thing TLC could have done about this show. My wife and I have been watching since Jon and Kate Plus 8 began and since this has happened the show has been sorta of boring. Jon became the biggest prick when he divorced. I'm certain that the fame went straight to his head; especially when he visited West Coast Choppers. Kate can be a bitch sometimes, but when you've got 8 kids, you gotta work something out for the kids. That's way too many kids to be screwing over with divorce. Anyway, I'm sure the new show will be great without him.
"Just going with the plays that were called." I am not a huge Terrell Owens fan, but his post-game interview this past Sunday has made me gain a little more respect for him. The reporters were baiting him with questions (as they always do). They were trying to get Terrell to say something bad about his teammates. He refused to give them anything they could use. When the media became a little irritated, Terrell Owens told them that if he said anything that the media would turn his words into something different to make him look bad. Terrell also stated that he realized that he didn't give his last to teams the respect that he should have. I personally have been following Terrell Owens on Twitter. He seems to have turned a new leaf with his daily postings of scripture. He seems very humble. Good job, Terrell! I wish you luck in Buffalo.....
That's all for today...wait, I think I forgot something. Oh, yeah, Obama!

We're getting to a place where we can't even believe our eyes or ears.

Let me give you some examples:

The government will tell you that you need to have the swine flu vaccination. In fact, in New York, they made it mandatory for health care workers. MANDATORY! Here it comes, America! But in Albany today, health care workers are protesting being forced into getting the shot.

Sick! Just makes me sick! Oh, shhhhhh, they may hear that and come running with the damn vaccine!

That's the way it iz! This day, Wednesday, September 30, 2009.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Way It Iz: This day September 29th, 2009

Heys, peeps! Thanks for stopping by. Let's get to it....

Four teens were charged with the fatal beating of a Chicago student.
Derrion Albert was walking home from school Thursday when he was beaten to death in a fight between two rival groups outside a community center. In court Monday, prosecutors described the alleged attack on Albert by Silvonus Shannon, 19; Eric Carson, 16; and Eugene Riley, 18. Carson, who is charged as an adult, and Shannon are Fenger students. The three are being held without bond on charges of first-degree murder. A hearing is set for Oct. 19. Late Monday, Chicago police said a 17-year-old also was charged in the slaying. Prosecutors did not say Monday whether he will be tried as an adult. Carson hit Albert in the head with a railroad tie. The other person punched him in the face, prosecutors say. Albert fell, unconscious, prosecutors said, and when he regained consciousness, he moved away and tried to stand. He was surrounded by five Altgeld Gardens residents. Riley hit him with a railroad tie and Shannon stomped on his head.

I watched the video of this horrible chaos. This was appalling and just utter ridiculous! Thanks to the youth that got out to video what was going on so the arrest could be made, but I wish he would have handed the camera to someone else and helped this young man out. I have the link but I promise you that it is pretty brutal and graphic. It just pisses me off that these boys will end up sitting around in jail on tax-payers money when the should be frickin' put to death. Here's the link on USA Today....http://blogs.usatoday.com/ondeadline/2009/09/people-gathered-today-at-chicagos-fenger-high-school-where-derrion-albert-was-an-honor---student-to-remember-him-and-call-f.html

Health authorities are investigating after a 14-year-old girl died a few hours after receiving a cervical cancer vaccine.
Health officials in Coventry, about 100 miles northwest of London, said Tuesday they had quarantined the batch of vaccine given at the school attended by Natalie Morton.

Morton died after being the given the Cervarix vaccine. The vaccine protects against two strains of the human papilloma virus that causes cervical cancer.

Authorities began offering it to teenage girls last year. The immunization program was controversial because of suggestions that it would encourage younger girls to be sexual active.

OK....this may seem far-fetched to some of you Dems out there, but this is what I am talking about when I say that my kid, my wife or myself will not be getting this H1N1 vaccine. Oh, now they have a HIV vaccine, which in a sense is promoting people to be more sexually active; kind of like this story. I don't believe these vaccines have been tested long enough. Go right ahead, lab rats! Jump out there and get your vaccines from your beloved government!

The U.S. Secret Service, the agency assigned to protect the president, has launched an investigation into an application on Facebook that allows users to create polls after a site member built a poll asking if President Obama should be killed. The possible responses to the poll were "yes," "maybe," "if he cuts my health care" and "no."

Wow! What idiot did this?!??! Don't you know that "big brother" is always watching?! Even I know what not to say on the internet about Obama.....jezz. And I push the card sometimes, but not to that level. I mean, Obama is an idiot, but, man, he doesn't deserve that.......Which brings me to this, do you think people get too comfortable on Facebook? I'm saying, you got people posting that they are washing dishes, taking a bath, taking a dump (well, I haven't seen that one, but it wouldn't surprise me).....I saw one girl post that see was dropped off for work early and had to wait for her ride every day after work at a mall. I saw this on Twitter. Now, if some psycho is out looking for someone, and you're posting this type of info, aren't you or your kids setting themselves up for potential danger? Just a little fyi.
If you get a second, check out this video from a Domino's Pizza in Conover, North Carolina.
Two employees posted you tube vids of themselves contaminating food by sneezing on food and putting cheese strings up their nose then onto the pizza.
This store has been closed by their corporate office. All 20 employees are out of a job because of these two a**holes, Michael Stezer and Kristy Hammonds. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaNuE3DsJHM

Here we go again..... Barack Obama says that Mr. Otto (just some guy) "lost his insurance coverage in the middle of kemotherapy because he didn't report gall stones that he didn't even know about. They delayed his treatment and he died because of it." Is that true? No. But Wow! It's a sad story if it were true. Enough to make you want to get governemnt health care so this never happens again.
Fact is Otto didn't die because his insurance canceled due to the unreported gall stones. He regained his insurance three weeks later. He secured a life extended stem cell transplant through the insurance company. Mr. Otto did die, but just this year. Almost four years after the surgery. Is this all Obama has to promote his health care plan? Lies?

How about trying this on for size, Mr. Obama! Here's some examples of the Health Care System failures: patients being killed prematurely due to misdiagnosis; patients waiting to win a daily lottery just to see a doctor; patients having babies in the hallways because there isn't enough maternity rooms; patients drinking water out of the potted plants in the room because there is no one available to bring them a drink......You can find all those stories in the United Kingdom and some in Canada where they already have Government Health Care.

That's the way it iz! This day Tuesday, September 29, 2009.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Hello, folks. Thanks for checking in today.

Actor Randy Quaid and his wife, Evi, were arrested in Texas on Thursday. They're accused of skipping out on a $10,000 hotel bill, authorities said.

No! Not Cousin Eddie from National Lampoon's Vacation!!! Turns out he and his wife are each faces felony charges of burglary, defrauding an innkeeper and conspiracy. That's on hell of a hotel bill. Ishmael from Kingpin would have never done this.

The Tyra Banks Show spoke with a 16-year-old who claims he is no longer a cross-dresser or homosexual after participating in an exorcism.

Tyra introduces us to the husband and wife "prophets" who performed the exorcism, which became infamous after it was posted on YouTube, and a member of the gay rights activist group who demanded it be removed from the Internet.

Then, we meet a 14-year-old cheerleader who is now suing her school district for $50 million over her coach's alleged reading of her Facebook page.

Excuse me...what did I just post?!?! O-M-G! Being gay is such a damned thing that you must have an exorcism performed on you. What a bunch of crap, man! I can't even believe this was aired. I agree with the gay rights activist group on this one. How asinine is this?! I don't really know what to say to this. Never heard of anything like it, so I posted it.

Now as for the girl suing for $50 million over her coach reading her FB page.....what-the-hell-ever! Probably your teachers, friends, family, strangers, stalkers, possible co-workers have all read this too. What has the world come to when a 14-year-old can have a case taken over something like this. Hmmmmm. Lawyers......greedy jerks.....nevermind, makes sense now.
I wonder.....can I make a case against Wal-Mart for having an "Enter" and "Exit" door? Maybe I wanted to go in the "Exit"door. Maybe I don't like being told which door to go in. That's gotta be worth, say 100 Million, right?

Michael Finton (aka Talib Islam), 29, of Decatur, Illinois, drove a vehicle he believed contained a ton of explosives to the Paul Findley Federal Building and Courthouse in Springfield. He got out of the truck, got into a waiting car with an undercover agent, and then, when he was a few blocks away, attempted to detonate the bomb with a remote-control device.

"When he pushed the button, nothing happened except he got handcuffs slapped on him," said one Justice Department official familiar with the case.

The truck contained inactive explosives.

People, this is a white man. Naturally, white people are going to do the most creative, destructive, sickening thing to kill people other than most races. Stay with me....this man is white, changes his name to Talib Islam and proclaims to be a terrorist. This man took all this time arming this vehicle and can't even detonate the damn thing. al Qaeda, listen up! Stick to your suicidal maniacs!!!! You can't get a white part-time cook to do the job for you! This guy looks like a redneck...what? Did you promise him all the virgins he could wish for if he blew this up???? White al Qaeda.....Pffft!

Let me leave you with some pathetic quotes by Obama.......

OBAMA: In America, there's a failure to appreciate Europe's leading role in the world. Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive.


OBAMA: Frankly it's not something I've been following closely. I didn't even know that ACORN was getting a whole lot of federal money.

OBAMA: Foreign leaders who are heads of center-right governments say to me, I don't understand why people call you socialist.

OBAMA: There's an awful lot of misinformation out that that gets around that we have to fight through and that's why I'm on the David Letterman show.

REP. BARBARA LEE, D-CALIF.: Former President Castro was very engaging, very energetic.

CONGRESSWOMAN LAURA RICHARDSON, D-CALIF.: With Fidel, he listened, he said the exact same words that President Obama has said.

We're in deep-S**t, people! Thanks to those Obama voters!

That's the way it iz. This day, Friday, September 25, 2009.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Way It Iz: This day September 24th, 2009

Thanks for viewing my blog today. Hopefully, you will follow this blog each and every time that I post. I would certainly enjoy some comments/feedback if you could just sign up here or twitter and let me know how you feel. Even if you are clicking a link to get here from Facebook or MySpace, feel free to leave me comments there also.

Nintendo on Thursday announced the first price cut for its Wii games console following declining sales and price competition from Microsoft and Sony. The Wii will now cost $199.99.

The reason for this is that XBox and PS3 are kicking Nintendo's butt in sales. The media doesn't usually make announcements like this. Nintendo is suppose to be the god's of gaming. WRONG! My son has a Wii and probably plays it five times a year; whereas, he plays the XBox every weekend or so. I am a huge XBox Live fan. I personally like the idea Nintendo has with the activeness in their gaming instead of sitting down, but that does get old. Let's face it, folks. Nintendo did this so it's X-mas sales will be higher than the others for the third year in a row. Woo-Hoo!
I pledge Allegiance...To Obama?! You should always check out Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter for real news, in my opinion. Doesn't it seem like Obama is in this thing for himself and not the US Citizens. He is a brand. He has labeled himself as "Hope". Not hope for us, but hope in Obama. He is change. This is what he promotes. He believes in a civilian military. This is a form of draft, folks. I don't care if he sends your kid's to college and then they have to serve four years of military service.....it's a draft. You should have a choice if you want to serve. I'm going to upload a video on my facebook account of kid's being brain-washed by Obama's plan.

One of his most recent speeches seemed like a pep-rally. "Are you fired up?" "Are you ready to go?" Sound familiar? How about this commercial from our actors and actresses....."What's your pledge? I pledge to be a servant to our President and all mankind, because together we can, together we are...." BLAH BLAH BLAH! O-M-G Shut up! Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher make me sick for putting this together. Brain-washing, folks!

Some of these idiots say Barack Obama is like God. Here are some ways they are different:

No one in Hollywood worships God.

God is happy with 10% of your money.

God doesn't think he's Barack Obama.

There is one similarity, though:

God doesn't have a birth certificate, either

Let me stop before I get pissed off even more thinking about this. ;)

That's the way it iz! This day, Thursday, September 24, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Way It Iz: This day, Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009

Congrats goes out to my (and Obama's) Chicago White Sox. You have failed to make the playoffs this year, traded lots of great players and look good for next year. lol.

On a serious note, 14-year-old Morgan Schaaf, who suffers from tracheomalacia -- an abnormal collapse of the tracheal walls that obstructs the air passage -- was a special guest at the ballpark on Chicago's South Side, a day made possible by the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Before the game, she was treated to a fair number of goodies from White Sox rookie Gordon Beckham, who was Morgan's escort for the day.

Beckham chatted with Morgan and her family before and after batting practice, taking photos and autographing his batting practice bat and baseball gloves for her -- which led Morgan to declare Beckham her second-favorite player.

Her escort originally was supposed to be her favorite player, Jim Thome. But Thome was traded to the Dodgers last month. As a result, Beckham filled in on his behalf.

I wanted to share this because I think a lot of players have lost this outreach to their fans in general. I think that the old players cared about the name on the front of their jerseys, while today's players only care about the name on the back of the jersey. I personally want to thank Gordon Beckham (who is a rookie), A.J. Pierzynski, Chris Getz (rookie), Carlos Quentin and Jermaine Dye for sharing their time with this young lady and making her feel special on her "Wish".
The Wizard of Oz turns 70 today. Amazing! I remember as a child being scared of the witch and her monkeys. lol. Anyway, just wanted to mention. Also the DVD and Blu-ray re-mastered edition come out on September 29th.

Police in Philadelphia say a white officer who came to work with cornrows was ordered by a black superior to get a haircut because the braids violated department standards.

Monday that Officer Thomas Strain was put on desk duty this month because of the braids, even though the paper reported dozens of black officers wear cornrows.

Police spokesman Lt. Frank Vanore said Strain's boss told the officer to cut his hair to look more "professional."

Vanore said officers' hats must fit "in a military manner" over their hair, and that Strain's hat did not. Strain got a haircut; he declined comment to the paper.

(thinking) I really got nothing to say to this. lmao. Reading the entire story, it was fair. My question is...Why in the hell would you want cornrows as a white man? If he was undercover, I could see this. Idiot!

It's game over for some police officers who played video games while they raided a convicted drug dealer's home in Central Florida.
Surveillance video obtained by WFLA in Tampa caught the officers playing a Nintendo Wii bowling game, with one furiously jumping up and down in celebration. Officials say some of the officers could be disciplined.
Officers with the anti-drug task force had just stormed into the home of the convicted drug dealer, who was already in custody. One Polk County sheriff's detective can be seen taking several breaks from cataloging evidence so she can bowl frames.
The officers did not know a video camera had been set up in the house before the March raid.

You can't ignore a Wii no matter what the situation is. I mean, these guys just made a huge arrest; what better way to celebrate than a game of bowling on the Wii. I actually can't believe these guys were that stupid. The world is sinking to new lows every day.

Herschel Walker is starting a new career in
mixed martial arts.
The 47-year-old former NFL running back said Monday that he has
signed a multi-fight contract with promoter Strikeforce. Walker
will begin a 12-week training camp next month in San Jose, Calif.
The 1982 Heisman Trophy winner already holds a fifth-degree
black belt in Tae Kwon Do.

I predict Herschel to get knocked out so hard to first match that he regrets ever doing this. Bo Jackson, now he could do this, because Bo knows......

Not a lot today, but that's the way it iz, this day, Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Way It Iz: This day September 22nd, 2009

Let me first apologize for taking a few days away from my blog. I most likely will be doing that on the weekend unless I decide otherwise.

Obama was on The Late Show with David Letterman Monday night. David Letterman had offered up 10 reasons why in the world the president had agreed to do it.
Among Letterman's theories: Obama said yes without thinking about it, or as Letterman put it, "Like Bush did with Iraq." Obama also had his most irreverent answer yet on the question of whether some of the vitriolic reaction to his health care plan is driven at least partly by racism.
"First of all, I think it's important to realize that I was actually black before the election," Obama said to huge laughs from Letterman and the audience.

First I'd like to say that I didn't support Bush either, but aren't all Bush jokes kinda old by now. Now that we see Obama is a comedian with his being black joke; we can all understand why his term in office is a joke. Obama said, "The main reason I'm here? I want to see that heart-shaped potato." Apparently, some woman had a potato shaped like a heart. O-M-G! This is just a way to get to people's hearts......very stupid if I say so myself. We all know that he went on to promote his damn health care plan. Blah. Blah. Blah.

A single low dose of H1N1 vaccine may be enough to protect adults from the flu virus that has been spreading around the world, new data shows.

That's enough on that. I know all I want to know about this load of crap. It's strange how it was two doses, then one......then maybe adults need two and kids one. They don't know what the hell to give with this vaccine. I don't believe we are seeing anything more than the regular flu. Just my theory. I do not trust our government. Are you willing to stand in line for an untested vaccine against H1N1? Maybe they will develop an oral one that can be mailed via the post office while you are in isolation or quarantine.

Socrates gives you something to mull over:
There are 2 components to any Bio-weapon. The 1st is the weapon itself. The 2nd is the delivery system for the weapon.
It is easy enough to test the efficacy of the weapon by using it on animals. However, that raises a question: “How do you test the delivery system?” The answer is to create a freely moving, hardy, easily caught virus and that takes it’s time for any symptoms to show so that it can travel the world before it can be stopped. Hey presto, Swine influenza! As for me, I will NOT be taking the H1N1 vaccine.

Federal agencies that supply food for 31 million school children fail to ensure that tainted products are pulled quickly from cafeterias. The delays raise the risk of children being sickened by contaminated food, according to the audit by Congress' Government Accountability Office.

My kid takes his lunch to school or the school orders take-out. Whew! This happened just this year with the peanut butter in the school systems. Stay with me now, not locally for those people who like to stir crap, this is nationally. Ok, can we go on now......Thank you.
There were over 4,000 products sent to the school systems the previous time and 226 students were affected and some got diarrhea and other salmonella-related symptoms "may have consumed the (tainted) products in school." About 46 were hospitalized. Just be aware that this has happened again as of yesterday.

Let me wrap this up with some quotes from Obama......I know it's a tired topic. But please take a moment to read......you'll be amazed, I'm sure......

This is in regards to his pastor, Jeremiah Wright.
"This is a church that I have been a member of for 20 years....with a wonderful set of ministries and what I've been hearing in church is talk about Jesus, faith, values, and serving the poor."
"I have known (Jermiah Wright) to be a fierce-critic of foreign and domestic politics."
Did you know you that he made these statements before the video appeared. "You know, frankly, I didn't. I wasn't in church when these statements were made."
"Did I ever hear him make statements that were controversial while I sat in the church? Yes."
"I did not hear such incendiary language. Myself personally I have heard conversations of him while I was in the pew."
"Did I strongly disagree with his political views? Absolutely."
"Had I heard those views while I was in the church, I would have told Rev. Wright that I profoundly disagree with him. That they didn't reflect my values or reflect my ideals."

Wouldn't it be nice to know which is the truth???

That's the way it iz, this day September 22nd, 2009.

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Way It Iz: This day September 18th, 2009

Congrats to the Miami Hurricanes after beating Georgia Tech 33-17.

McDonald's has a new Angus Third Pounder burger. At $3.99, it's the most expensive burger the chain has sold, and if the "premium" burger is a hit, it could jolt the dynamics of the $566 billion restaurant industry.

Seriously, folks! How many of you out there are eating these huge burgers? I haven't found the nutritional facts on this new Angus Third Pounder but I'm sure it's more than the Angus Deluxe which is a whopping 750 calories with 39 fat grams. You know your going to get those meat-seasoned fries, too; adding another 500 calories with 25 fat grams. Wow, now you've had almost your entire daily allowance. Awwww, did I make you fill bad?

Michael Jackson's mother and his three children get an allowance totaling more than $86,000 a month, according to court documents. Michael Jackson's children get $13,260 each month for entertainment and related expenses, the papers said.

Holy crap! I know he's passed away, but $13,260 EACH for entertainment. These kids are 10, 9 and 5. What an earth could they want for that amount of money? Jezz, I want to be one of his kids; just for a month.......

105-year-old Ardi Freeman is a regular at her Nashville Bowling Alley. The centenarian says she's not sure what has kept her alive and alert for so long. Ardi says that it's the bowling. She also says that she has never been sick one day in her life. She bowled an impressive 121 on the week of her 105th birthday.

Awesome! I hope that I''m still bowling at age 105. This woman is an inspiration to us all. Just wanted to share.

Serena Williams lost her mind at the U.S. Open. She was called for a double-fault. Instead of stepping to the baseline to serve again, Williams went over and shouted and cursed at the line judge, pointing at her and thrusting the ball toward her saying, "If I could, I would take this F'n ball and shove it down your F'n throat!"

Amazing! What is wrong with the top players when they actually lose. Same thing happened to Roger Federer. The guy has lost in forever and turns into an instant baby once he is in danger of losing. Come on, guys! Someone has got to come along every now and then and have the spotlight. One loss! Jezz....

Let me ask you something.....Does Congress even matter anymore? They didn't sign the Stimulus packages. The Apollo Allience did. Their not even writing the bills. They're being told what to do and how to vote by the powers that be. Change, people! Obama is following through on this promise.....

Congrats to Kevin Skinner for winning America's Got Talent. I picked him from the beginning.

That's the way it Iz, this day September 18, 2009.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Way It Iz: This day September 17th, 2009

Let me start of by saying Happy Anniversary to my wife of 16 years. Whew, that's a mighty long time. ;)

Today, race issues linger over President Obama's health plan. Obama supporters are saying that opponents are fueled by racism.

I personally think that Obama's supporters are playing the race card. This man promised change and "change", my friend, is what we are all about to see. This man is sending us all back in time to the most racist days of our past. We are being divided not brought together. I have no use for Obama as he has not followed through on his promises. He has spent more time on vacation or in the spotlight than doing his duties as President. He's cost us more money than he has saved us. He has not provided a Hawaii birth certificate proving that he is a US citizen.

On that note, a reserve soldier in Columbus, Georgia, refused his orders to Afganistan yesterday. He stated that he would be committing a crime to serve under Obama because he believes that Obama was born outside of the US; thus making him ineligible for to become President. He no longer has to go to Afganistan.

Good for you, Major Stefan Frederick Cook!!!!

Gertrude Baines was the oldest person in the world until she passed away on September 11th at the age of 115. She lived in Los Angeles, California where she passed in her sleep. R.I.P. Now the oldest person in the world is 114, Japan's Kama Chien.

Gertrude was born in 1894. It just blows my mind to think of all the changes this lady has seen in her lifetime. Although she voted for Obama, (Yes, she still voted at this late age in her life) she will probably be glad that she will miss out on the second "Great Depression". Thanks, Obama voters!

In Lucasville, Ohio, at the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility, Romell Broom was to be executed for the rape and murder of 14-year-old Tryna Middleton in Cleveland in 1984. He was going to have lethal injection until the medical staff deemed his veins as "having no access point". Rommel got a one-week reprieve from the governor so Ohio prison officials can figure out what to do.

Figure out what to do!!!!!! O-M-G, people! This man has been sitting, eating, watching TV, working out for 25 damn years and now that his execution comes around, just because a fricking needle won't go into one of his veins, you can't figure out what to do?!?!?!?! You turn his ass over to the family of the little girl! That's what you do. I bet they could figure something out in a matter of minutes. Instead he gets to live off taxpayers money for yet another week.

Feel free to following on twitter at www.twitter.com/akaTheIz and always feel free to comment.

Well, that's the way is iz! This day, September 17th, 2009.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Some stuff to think about.....

Swimming is not a sport; swimming is a way to keep from drowning! That's just common sense.

Have you ever noticed that their stuff is shit, and your shit is stuff?

The reason I talk to myself is because I'm the only one whose answers I accept.

If a pig loses its voice, is it disgruntled?

Religion has convinced people that there's an invisible man…living in the sky. Who watches everything you do every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a list of ten specific things he doesn't want you to do. And if you do any of these things, he will send you to a special place, of burning and fire and smoke and torture and anguish for you to live forever, and suffer, and burn, and scream, until the end of time. But he loves you. He loves you. He loves you and he needs money.

Ever notice that anyone going slower than you is an idiot, but anyone going faster is a maniac?

Here's a bumper sticker I'd like to see: "We are the proud parents of a child who's self-esteem is sufficient that he doesn't need us promoting his minor scholastic achievements on the back of our car."

Atheism is a non-prophet organization.

So far, this is the oldest I've been.

I think I am, therefore, I am. I think.

What was the best thing before sliced bread?

Local Radio Station mixes Sex and God


I must say, people, I do not sit around and think about religion and how to make it look bad, even though it may seem that way.

Tonight, I was listening to a locally owned radio station while working, because nothing else would come in on the radio, basically. I personally hate the station for a number of reasons; such as, stopping in the middle of a song to play the same news real from the last hour, or just going to a local commercial.

The one thing that I hate the most is the fact that they want to portray themselves as a type of Christian-based station in the mornings; quoting bible verses of the day, bible trivia, commercials with preachers spreading the word and advertising their sites or phone numbers.

The problem lies in the fact that they play risque music then go right into "christian" music. For example, last night they played "Slave 4 U" by Britney Spears with lyrics like
"I'm a slave for you

I cannot hold it

I cannot control it
I'm a slave for you
I won't deny it
I'm not trying to hide it"

Then the next song was "The Voice of Truth" by Casting Crowns with lyrics like

"But the voice of truth tells me a different story
the voice of truth says "do not be afraid!"
and the voice of truth says "this is for my glory"
Out of all the voices calling out to me
I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth"

These two songs are totally contridicting one another. I thought that playing Led Zeppelin and then playing Pink was bad enough but wait.....but wait, there's more.

A preacher's message came on stating that "you're going to hell" and all this BS; then the next song is "My Angel Is A Centerfold" by the J. Giles Band with lyrics:

"Years go by I'm lookin' through a girly magazine
And there's my homeroom angel on the pages in-between

My blood runs cold
My memory has just been sold
My angel is the centerfold
Angel is the centerfold "

Wow...could it get any worse, you ask? But, wait, there's more..... They played another preacher's message telling "us" that if we have sin in our life again we are going to hell. What's the next song? Don't mind if I do.....it was none other than that grand old hit, "Secret Lovers" by Atlantic Starr with awesome lyrics:

"Here we are, just the two of us together
Takin' this crazy chance to be all alone
We both know that we should not be together
'Cause if we're found out, it could mess up
Both our happy homes"

This is frickin' sweet, folks!!!! It makes me f***ing sick! I don't care about the music. It's the simple thing that this is what makes people like myself and others look at christianity and shake our heads. This locally owned radio station is promoting religion in order to gain more listeners. Paint the rosey picture of yourselves, make everyone feel great about themselves, and all of you can ask for forgiveness each and every day, and start all over the next day and the next. In the meantime, turn all this religion towards those who don't give a crap, try to make us feel bad like you do, and follow along this stupid game you call a religion. If this is what it's about, then your faith doesn't amount to a hil of beans.

I don't believe in it for a minute! Speaking of faith....3-4 years ago, when I was "blinded by the light", I asked the owner of this locally owned radio station why didn't he make it a christian station if "God" had called him to start the station. He told me that the community would not support it. Let me translate this one for you....he didn't want to lose his ass because he didn't believe any would "pay" to support a christian station. "Money" was the issue. Where's the "faith" in that, brother? I thought "God" called you to go into radio?!?!? Instead you play Casting Crowns and Mercy Me to all the ex-addicts because this is what they can relate to with religion. You draw them in with a little bit their kinda music. God with an edge. Singing about praise and hard times.

When I was "searching for the truth", I found christian-metal bands like Living Sacrifice, Mortal Treason, Extol, Demon Hunter. I continue to listen to them because the music is great. But I was treated like crap when people happen to hear the music I was listening to. I offered the music to the youth in the church I was in, but you would have thought that I was a stranger giving them candy. ADD.....OCD....back to the subject at hand....

I just wanted to let people know about this horrible broadcasting of sex and religion. Support it if you want, but I'm disgusted and done with the Mighty locally owned radio station.

BTW, it's the mixture of the two that bothers me if you didn't get it. I prefer to listen to Slayer, Machine Head, Static-X and much more.....It's just disgusting to be portraying God in the mornings and God/sex at night. Hypocritical.....

A Simple Gaze Into The Eyes of the Helpless...


This morning coming home from work, I spent a lot of time driving around to my dismay. On one of my many runs from point a to b I got home with my breakfast as I was starving. As I placed my drink on the top of my car and proceeded to gather my belongings, something caught my attention. At first my brain registered the motion as a fish stuck in shallow water. I looked over at an oil pan that one of my neighbors had left from changing his oil. Flopping around helplessly was a small bird. I reacted quickly and removed it from the oil at the expense of my clothes. It was freakin out!!! Then it jumped right out of my hand and started chirping and trying to get away. I felt kinda bad for it so I ran to my house and got some paper towels and ran back to try and clean the bird off. After a few failed attempts to catch it I finally picked it up. By this point we were both covered in oil and looking at the poor bird that struggled so hard to escape me, I couldn't tell for the life of me what kind of bird it was. I wrapped it up in the paper towels and watched the oil seep through. No matter how many towels I used oil kept coming off of the bird. Adjusting to fresh paper towels it jumped out of my hand and again tried to escape. I jumped up and caught it again, only to soak up twice as much oil as the first time. I couldn't just leave the bird like that. I had to do something but I wasn’t sure what. I got all the oil I could off with the paper towels but it was still blackened by the thick goo. Maybe soap and water I thought. So I started looking for a bucket to put it in so it would stay put. As I walked toward the bucket it started freaking out and chirping uncontrollably. I readjusted my grip but the bird was faster than me and again out of my hands it went and under my neighbor's deck. There was no getting the bird at this point. So what the hell was that all about?

So I push for an act of kindness and the life I try to save refuses my help. A lot of distraught people are just like this bird. It's kinda f'd up that we as humans f*** so many things up like business, relationships, family, the Earth and just life in general. Yet here we are surrounded by a few good people amidst the many selfish, that wouldn't hesitate to help a friend in need without question of a return gesture...just because. Many of us act without thinking about what result our actions will have in their wake. Look at the mess that we have created and realize that we are f****d up and what we are doing is wrong....................

Vegetables of Life.....

This title may not grab a lot of people's attention but you tuned in and I thank u. First of all, we all go through this stage of life. You are all vegetables of life. I opened my damn eyes several years ago, but was mislead down the wrong path with all the religious nuts and now I am back to reality. I'm not saying that I'm right, but it's where I am at this point in my life. You, my friend, don't have to go through this at all. But you do.....

People have the same job, same issues, same cash problems, same crrap they put up with every day. Change your job. Maybe not right now with the economy situation (lawl). If you hate your job, there's a better one out there; probably with more pay. I changed my job last year and it was an amazing change. Don't like the issues you go through every day....change your situation. Stop taking crap off of people. No one should be miserable because someone else enjoys making u that way. Got issues with your church situation? Change churchs. You don't have to go there. There are too many to choose from. I, personally, do not go. That's a whole different blog.

People, you've got to stop worrying about other people's feelings. Make yourself happy once in awhile. Do something for you. Some of the sheeple will probably disagree with this way of thinking but they are trained to think the other way. Life has too many complications already. Make it easier on yourself.

Thanks for reading and I know you enjoyed. If not, that's fine too. I enjoyed writing it.