Monday, October 19, 2009

The Way It Iz: This day October 19, 2009

Well, I'm not really sure what to say. I was on vacation, but when I decided to come back and start posting, my FB account got hacked. Personally think it was just some kind of fluke or just some idiot out there (probably a Democrat), but my wife seems to think that it was the government trying to look into what I am saying and keep am eye on me LMAO! Could beeeeeeeeeeee?

Anyway, if it was the government, they need to piss off and keep reading because there is more you need to hear about Obama.

I can believe that Obama was awarded two Nobel Peace Prizes in the two weeks that I didn't blog.
This is insane, folks. The announcement from the Nobel Peace Prize Committee says as much about the Norwegian voters and their parliament as it does President Obama. All involved should be embarrassed and ashamed for using this Prize to advance a radical, leftist agenda.

It's clear that the Marxist leaders in Europe know what most Americans don't know--that the American president is a kindred spirit who they recognize as one of their own.

Freedom-loving people should no longer respect or take seriously the Nobel Peace Prize Committee, as they have become an arm of the worldwide Marxist cause, evidenced by their previous selections of Yassar Arafat and Le Duc Tho and now Barack Obama.

The award has been cheapened beyond repair and the Nobel Committee has insulted all who labor and sacrifice for true peace and freedom under God's laws.

These are the same people that gave Arafat one and Al Gore one for making peace with Mother Earth. Come on. This means nothing. Obama basically got it for doing nothing. BTW did you know that he was nominated 12 days after being President???? What did he do in this short time to deserve it? Maybe for trashing America and nothing more......

For peace? He has brought so much peace to the world. Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, North Korea......hell, I don't know where I want to vacation first. And don't forget about here at home, I've never seen the country so united. Pfft! This is a mockery to the Noble Peace Prize, and if I was Peace, I would kick someone's ass!
H1N1 news- In the State of Mass. (too lazy to look up spelling), it is law now that the government has the right to search your home without cause and can quarantine you until you accept the vaccination. This is something that is going to be infected into your own body. Janice Dublar, employment attorney, says "you have a choice, whether it be take the vaccine or be quarintined at a certain local by the state or if you are an at-will employee you have the right to be terminated." Nice to know you have the "right to be terminated". At least we haven't lost all of our rights.

Listen, government! You will not injected nothing in this body! My wife hates that I am rebellious to this whole government and their way of thinking. Has she been brain-washed by the media also???? I will be a rebellious factor if the world gets to a point where the government is telling me my next move and what to do with my body or family. You are damn right! I would hope that each and every one of you out there will stand up for yourself when that time comes. Don't become sheepeople, people!
Please do not go to This is the site used for cash for clunkers. Most times when we see the little box that says do you agree or disagree with the privacy act for a website, we all instantly click the "agree" box. Maybe we should all start reading these statements. Here's what the privacy act statement says: "This application provides access to the DoT Cars system. When logged on to the CARS system, your computer is considered a Federal computer system and is property of the U.S. Government. Any or all uses of this system and all files on this system may be intercepted, monitored, recorded, copied, audited, inspected and authorize CARS, DoT and law enforcement personnel, as well as authorized officials of other agencies, both foreign and domestic."

Good Lord! Nothing you can do when you click that. They can continue to track you forever. What the hell is going on, folks! This is suppose to be a charitable act turned evil. WTF! Think about it....this program died shortly after it existed. There is a hidden agenda here. This program was used for nothing else. Thanks again, Obama. I see you're bringing more "peace" to our world by trying to control our lives.
One of the biggest issues I argue with a loved one about is "Global Warming" other than religion, I could argue about this all day.
Global warming is a hoax. This is a manufactured crisis. This comes out of the mouth of the John Coleman, founder of The Weather Channel. He said, "It is the greatest scam in history. I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it. Global warming; it is a scam."Death from extreme weather are down 95% since the 1920s. I believed this same thing before I heard his opinion. This is a created hoax in order to gain grants and awards and the environmental extremists had massaged the numbers in order to gain fame.
Form your own opinion; mine is not a popular belief but in twenty years, I will be laughing except at the loss of billions of dollars wasted on this crap.
I'm going to be short on this subject. The Balloon Boy. I honestly believe that this was not a hoax. I believe the kid released the balloon and went and hid when he realized what he had done. I believe the parents thought that he may be in the balloon when they could not find him. I believe that when the boy made reference that it was "for the show" that he is simply a six year old just randomly talking. These people were in the middle of making a reality show by the way. You won't hear much talk about that will you. The media wants to publicly trash these people and the courts wants to make an example while our government is out there supplying enough stories that they could easily leave this family alone and let them get on with their lives.

That's all I have this day October 19, 2009

1 comment:

  1. I refuse to get that damn shot, chances are I won't even get swine flu because I take vitamin D supplements and dont come into contact with people, wash hands after being in public etc.
