Friday, September 25, 2009

Hello, folks. Thanks for checking in today.

Actor Randy Quaid and his wife, Evi, were arrested in Texas on Thursday. They're accused of skipping out on a $10,000 hotel bill, authorities said.

No! Not Cousin Eddie from National Lampoon's Vacation!!! Turns out he and his wife are each faces felony charges of burglary, defrauding an innkeeper and conspiracy. That's on hell of a hotel bill. Ishmael from Kingpin would have never done this.

The Tyra Banks Show spoke with a 16-year-old who claims he is no longer a cross-dresser or homosexual after participating in an exorcism.

Tyra introduces us to the husband and wife "prophets" who performed the exorcism, which became infamous after it was posted on YouTube, and a member of the gay rights activist group who demanded it be removed from the Internet.

Then, we meet a 14-year-old cheerleader who is now suing her school district for $50 million over her coach's alleged reading of her Facebook page.

Excuse me...what did I just post?!?! O-M-G! Being gay is such a damned thing that you must have an exorcism performed on you. What a bunch of crap, man! I can't even believe this was aired. I agree with the gay rights activist group on this one. How asinine is this?! I don't really know what to say to this. Never heard of anything like it, so I posted it.

Now as for the girl suing for $50 million over her coach reading her FB page.....what-the-hell-ever! Probably your teachers, friends, family, strangers, stalkers, possible co-workers have all read this too. What has the world come to when a 14-year-old can have a case taken over something like this. Hmmmmm. Lawyers......greedy jerks.....nevermind, makes sense now.
I wonder.....can I make a case against Wal-Mart for having an "Enter" and "Exit" door? Maybe I wanted to go in the "Exit"door. Maybe I don't like being told which door to go in. That's gotta be worth, say 100 Million, right?

Michael Finton (aka Talib Islam), 29, of Decatur, Illinois, drove a vehicle he believed contained a ton of explosives to the Paul Findley Federal Building and Courthouse in Springfield. He got out of the truck, got into a waiting car with an undercover agent, and then, when he was a few blocks away, attempted to detonate the bomb with a remote-control device.

"When he pushed the button, nothing happened except he got handcuffs slapped on him," said one Justice Department official familiar with the case.

The truck contained inactive explosives.

People, this is a white man. Naturally, white people are going to do the most creative, destructive, sickening thing to kill people other than most races. Stay with me....this man is white, changes his name to Talib Islam and proclaims to be a terrorist. This man took all this time arming this vehicle and can't even detonate the damn thing. al Qaeda, listen up! Stick to your suicidal maniacs!!!! You can't get a white part-time cook to do the job for you! This guy looks like a redneck...what? Did you promise him all the virgins he could wish for if he blew this up???? White al Qaeda.....Pffft!

Let me leave you with some pathetic quotes by Obama.......

OBAMA: In America, there's a failure to appreciate Europe's leading role in the world. Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive.


OBAMA: Frankly it's not something I've been following closely. I didn't even know that ACORN was getting a whole lot of federal money.

OBAMA: Foreign leaders who are heads of center-right governments say to me, I don't understand why people call you socialist.

OBAMA: There's an awful lot of misinformation out that that gets around that we have to fight through and that's why I'm on the David Letterman show.

REP. BARBARA LEE, D-CALIF.: Former President Castro was very engaging, very energetic.

CONGRESSWOMAN LAURA RICHARDSON, D-CALIF.: With Fidel, he listened, he said the exact same words that President Obama has said.

We're in deep-S**t, people! Thanks to those Obama voters!

That's the way it iz. This day, Friday, September 25, 2009.

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