Nintendo on Thursday announced the first price cut for its Wii games console following declining sales and price competition from Microsoft and Sony. The Wii will now cost $199.99.
The reason for this is that XBox and PS3 are kicking Nintendo's butt in sales. The media doesn't usually make announcements like this. Nintendo is suppose to be the god's of gaming. WRONG! My son has a Wii and probably plays it five times a year; whereas, he plays the XBox every weekend or so. I am a huge XBox Live fan. I personally like the idea Nintendo has with the activeness in their gaming instead of sitting down, but that does get old. Let's face it, folks. Nintendo did this so it's X-mas sales will be higher than the others for the third year in a row. Woo-Hoo!
I pledge Allegiance...To Obama?! You should always check out Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter for real news, in my opinion. Doesn't it seem like Obama is in this thing for himself and not the US Citizens. He is a brand. He has labeled himself as "Hope". Not hope for us, but hope in Obama. He is change. This is what he promotes. He believes in a civilian military. This is a form of draft, folks. I don't care if he sends your kid's to college and then they have to serve four years of military's a draft. You should have a choice if you want to serve. I'm going to upload a video on my facebook account of kid's being brain-washed by Obama's plan.
One of his most recent speeches seemed like a pep-rally. "Are you fired up?" "Are you ready to go?" Sound familiar? How about this commercial from our actors and actresses....."What's your pledge? I pledge to be a servant to our President and all mankind, because together we can, together we are...." BLAH BLAH BLAH! O-M-G Shut up! Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher make me sick for putting this together. Brain-washing, folks!
Some of these idiots say Barack Obama is like God. Here are some ways they are different:
No one in Hollywood worships God.
God is happy with 10% of your money.
God doesn't think he's Barack Obama.
There is one similarity, though:
God doesn't have a birth certificate, either
Let me stop before I get pissed off even more thinking about this. ;)
That's the way it iz! This day, Thursday, September 24, 2009
God doesn't have a birth certificate either - I love it!!! ROTFL